

  • Healthy and Resilient BC: A Voter’s Guide

    BC is facing a perfect storm of intersecting crises: affordability, extreme weather due to climate change and a healthcare system under strain. All of these issues are adding to poor mental health, which is making the opioid and substance use crisis worse. The good news is that with the upcoming provincial election on October 19,…

  • A Healthier Recovery for BC

    Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. We’ve had to make sacrifices in order to protect our collective health and face hard truths about injustices that exist in our society.  As we plan for a full reopening, many British Columbians expect a recovery plan that will respond to lessons learned…

  • Budget 2021/22 Responds to Acute Health Needs of British Columbians but Ignores Other Prevention Measures

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 20, 2021 Vancouver, BC:  Advocates for healthy living and chronic disease prevention are relieved to see BC Budget 2021 investments in poverty reduction and mental health – which were at an acute state for far too long and clearly highlighted by the pandemic. “The BC Alliance for Healthy Living has been…

  • Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport

    Active transportation happens when people use their own power to get from one place to another, and can include walking, biking, skateboarding, using a non-mechanized wheelchair, or snowshoeing. The benefits of active transportation are multiple; we see increases in physical activity, social connections, and mental well-being, all of which help to prevent chronic disease. While…

  • The good, the bad, and the way to better: a look at the Provincial Health Officer’s Report

    On January 25th, 2019, Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s provincial health officer (PHO), released the report, Taking the Pulse of the Population: an update on the Health of British Columbians.  

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