

  • Active Communities Grant Program

    Physical activity is important at every age, and it has been recognized as one of the most effective ways to decrease the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type-2 diabetes, and several types of cancers. Physical activity can also support positive mental health and well-being as it helps with stress management and…

  • A Healthier Recovery for BC

    Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. We’ve had to make sacrifices in order to protect our collective health and face hard truths about injustices that exist in our society.  As we plan for a full reopening, many British Columbians expect a recovery plan that will respond to lessons learned…

  • A Healthy Recovery: Submission to the 2022 Budget Consultation by BCAHL

    Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. Many British Columbians expect action to further support recovery and respond to what has been learned from our COVID-19 experience. In this context, the coming budget will be important for prioritizing investment in a healthy recovery that puts us in a stronger position…

  • The True Cost of Healthy Eating

    Making healthy food choices can be challenging in today’s food landscape with packed schedules, long commutes and the prevalence and convenience of fast foods luring us into bad decisions on empty stomachs. 

  • Two BC Public Health teams share the spotlight in the latest Evidence-Informed Decision Making Casebook

    The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools has just released Issue #2 of their Evidence-Informed Decision Making (EDIM) Casebook.

  • Moving Ahead Together On Healthier Communities

    When it comes to building healthier communities we all have a role to play. Partners from different sectors have different types of expertise and resources to contribute. Collaboration can make all the difference because it draws from the strengths of, and can mobilize the assets of, diverse contributors. This 2015 Framework Moving Ahead Together on…

  • On The Path to Better Health

    Future projections for chronic disease underscore the need to continue on this path and make prevention a priority. In the next ten years the number of new cancer cases in BC is expected to increase by 75%. Looking forward, we see that to continue tackling chronic disease and promoting healthy living for all, it will…

  • BCAHL Report on the Winning Legacy Initiatives (2007 – 2011)

    Executive Summary In 2005, members of the BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) received a one-time grant of $25.2 million from the BC Government to deliver healthy living initiatives across the province. Grateful for the opportunity this significant resource provided, BCAHL set out to address the common risk factors for chronic disease using an evidence-based…

  • BCAHL’s Winning Legacy: A Plan for Improving the Health of British Columbians

    BCAHL’s Winning Legacy: A Plan for Improving the Health of British Columbians

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