A Healthy Recovery: Submission to the 2022 Budget Consultation by BCAHL

Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. Many British Columbians expect action to further support recovery and respond to what has been learned from our COVID-19 experience. In this context, the coming budget will be important for prioritizing investment in a healthy recovery that puts us in a stronger position for the challenges ahead. For BCAHL, this pandemic experience underscores the importance of continuing support to prevent chronic disease, which affects one in three British Columbians.

This past June, the Sentis Group on behalf of BCAHL surveyed British Columbians to understand how the pandemic has impacted their health and well-being and what policy measures they support to address some of the current challenges our society is facing. We saw there many negative impacts experienced more by people with low incomes, young adults, families and those from racialized communities.

Access our report A Healthy Recovery: Submission to the 2022 Budget Consultation by the BC Alliance for Healthy Living to review recommendations and results from the public opinion research.   

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