
Healthy Living

  • #PinkShirtDay2019: a time to reflect on how we treat those living in poverty

    On #PinkShirtDay2019, BCAHL’s Op-Ed piece on Basic Income was published in the Vancouver Sun.  It’s fitting that it was printed on a day dedicated to kindness and awareness around the stigmatization of bullying as those who live in poverty face many levels of stigmatization – from institutional to individual.

  • #NNSW2019

    It’s National Non-Smoking Week and as Canadians we have a lot to celebrate.  In the past 50 years smoking rates have gone down significantly.

  • The True Cost of Healthy Eating

    Making healthy food choices can be challenging in today’s food landscape with packed schedules, long commutes and the prevalence and convenience of fast foods luring us into bad decisions on empty stomachs. 

  • All the Right Moves: Physical Activity Across the Life Span

    On December 4th, BCAHL hosted a webinar about physical activity across the life span, highlighting how important it is to be active at every age because how we move affects our health, independence and overall well-being.

  • Hey Gushers, Leave our Kids Alone!

    Previously I wrote about how my son went on a vegetable-eating strike a few months’ shy of his second birthday.  Today at 4 years old, he has not picked up a veggie OR put down his picket sign.

  • An example of a delicious dinner my son would never eat in a

    Space Carrots and Broccoli Brains – my son is having none of it

    My son does not eat vegetables. No way. Not having it. Not going to make me. The last time he put a vegetable in his mouth -and actually chewed and swallowed it- (yup, those are counted as steps in our house), was a pudgy fistful of peas when he was just over a year and…

  • Two BC Public Health teams share the spotlight in the latest Evidence-Informed Decision Making Casebook

    The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools has just released Issue #2 of their Evidence-Informed Decision Making (EDIM) Casebook.

  • Kenny, 4 & Nicky, 2 learning to bike in their neighbourhood

    One family’s quest for a healthy lifestyle led them to Vernon

    Cyndy and Peter Chung love to be active. They share their passion for the outdoors with their two young sons, Kenny age 4 and Nicky age 2. In fact, Cyndy and Peter make active living such a priority, they decided to move. “We visited Vernon, BC, last June and loved it so much,” said Cyndy.…

  • Why not start the new school year with a New Year’s resolution?

    In the article, #20ReasonstoBike: Your kids will thank you for it, HUB Cycling’s Jel Kocmaruk cited a 2016 parent survey which showed that only 25% of Canadian children walk or bike to school, while 58% are driven. In turn, the 2018 ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth[1] gave Canadian youth a…

  • The kids are not alright

    The kids are not alright:

    How the food and beverage industry is marketing our children and youth to death. Once upon a time marketing to kids mostly meant commercials on Saturday morning; many adults have fond memories of ads that featured cartoon characters from their favourite sugary cereals. Television commercials are still a major ad platform and mascots still hawk…

  • “Trick or Treat?”

    Hallowe’en has already landed at my house with bats and pumpkins up on every window. Physical activity levels were way up on Friday night at the elementary school dance, where my older child danced with friends and the younger one spent two hours running around in some elaborate game of chase with his grade one…

  • Get the Smoke Out of Kids Movies

    “Really?! In this day and age?!” That was my friend’s reaction when I told her about the issue of smoking in kids movies. She was especially shocked by the revelation that 90% of smoking imagery seen by BC audiences is in movies with youth ratings. In fact, most of the Moms (and a Dad) that…

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