
Stop #Marketing2Kids

  • #MoreThanFood

    The revised Canada food guide has got me thinking about how I eat.  Am I enjoying my food? Am I being mindful of eating it? Am I sharing meals with others? Or am I wolfing something down in front of a screen over lunch to answer a few more emails? Or am I eating an…

  • Help a parent out!

    I hate grocery shopping. Although I am incredibly grateful to be able to pay for groceries without incurring debt (most months anyway), shopping for healthy food with my kiddos (ages 5 and 2) can be a wee bit overwhelming. My kids light up with desire the moment we push our cart down the aisle. In…

  • Help us create the way for a healthier future: an update on Bill S-228

    Children see 25 million food and beverage ads per year and over 90% are for foods high in salt, sugar and saturated fat.

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