
Physical Activity for Health Collaborative

  • COVID-19 has Created a Mental Health Crisis BC Experts say: ‘Move More Often to Improve Physical AND Mental Health’

    COVID-19 has Created a Mental Health Crisis. BC Experts say: ‘Move More Often to Improve Physical AND Mental Health’

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver (August 30, 2021) Members of the BC Physical Activity for Health Collaborative (the Collaborative) are sounding the alarm about the mental health crisis across the province. While the pandemic has amplified demand for accessible mental health resources, the Collaborative stresses physical activity as a complementary tool to combat declining mental health.…

  • Physical Activity for Health Collaborative

    About the Physical Activity for Health Collaborative

    The Physical Activity for Health Collaborative is comprised of leaders in physical activity from academia, sport, recreation and health. The Collaborative is committed to increasing physical activity for all British Columbians. The Collaborative came together to address the urgent need to get British Columbians physically active, especially those who face barriers to being active. Collectively…

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