
What We Do

  • Hey Gushers, Leave our Kids Alone!

    Previously I wrote about how my son went on a vegetable-eating strike a few months’ shy of his second birthday.  Today at 4 years old, he has not picked up a veggie OR put down his picket sign.

  • Come On and Join the Local Motion: Learning from 4 Diverse ‘Active Communities’ Projects

    On October 29th BCAHL hosted a webinar taking us behind the scenes of four successful and diverse Active Communities projects from across the province.

  • Two BC Public Health teams share the spotlight in the latest Evidence-Informed Decision Making Casebook

    The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools has just released Issue #2 of their Evidence-Informed Decision Making (EDIM) Casebook.

  • All Youth Matter – Youth Inclusion Training

    Many youth face significant barriers to participation in sport, recreation and physical activity, and research indicates that those from marginalized populations are less likely to participate than their peers. After consultation with nearly 500 recreation staff, 250 youth and 150 inclusion experts, viaSport has developed half-day Youth Inclusion Training workshops for physical activity, recreation and…

  • Physical Literacy for Communities – BC

    Nine communities have been selected to take part in the first intake of the province-wide Physical Literacy for Communities–British Columbia initiative. The aim of this initiative, which is supported by the Active People, Active Places, BC Physical Activity Strategy and delivered by the Sport for Life Society, is to improve the development of physical literacy…

  • Aboriginal Healthy Living Activities & Cultural Learning Initiative

    First Nations and Aboriginal Peoples focus area will build on the achievements as set out in I·SPARC’s 10 year Physical Activity Strategy, and the enormous success of the Aboriginal Healthy Living Activities initiatives (AHLA). With a focus on the train the trainer model I·SPARC has increased the number of leaders trained by 50%, and has…

  • Appetite to Play

    Appetite to Play is a provincial initiative that supports early years providers (those that work in daycare centres, family based daycares , preschools, parent participation programs, or after school day cares)  to promote and encourage healthy eating and physical activity for children in the 0-5 years age group. The initiative aims to build the capacity…

  • Active and Safe Central

    Summary (Intention/Audience/Impact): Active & Safe Central is an online resource for people interested in sports and recreational activity, and the people around them who support sport and recreation—coaches, officials, teachers, parents, and health professionals. Based upon research evidence from around the world, information on common injuries, risk factors, and injury prevention strategies is provided for…

  • Active Communities Grant Program

    Physical activity is important at every age, and it has been recognized as one of the most effective ways to decrease the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type-2 diabetes, and several types of cancers. Physical activity can also support positive mental health and well-being as it helps with stress management and…

  • #MakeBCHealthier4Kids

    Our health and success as adults is largely shaped in childhood, in our families and communities. BC Alliance for Healthy Living has developed the #MakeBCHealthier4Kids policy guide to highlight key policies that can give children a solid foundation for a healthy and happy life. The policy guide includes three pillars: Healthier Communities: that are inclusive…

  • a literature review of men's health cover

    A Literature Review of Men’s Health Interventions: Strategic Considerations

    This brief scoping review was conducted for the Working on Wellness (WoW) in Strategic Populations Initiative. WoW is a partnership effort aimed at reducing preventable cancers and other chronic diseases through promotion of overall wellness and healthy choices in the workplace. The review synthesized literature on effective health intervention considerations, particularly focusing on communication strategies,…

  • Take Care of Your Equipment

    Dads taking care of business – by quitting smoking!

    National Non-Smoking Week is a great time to start up a conversation with the smokers in our lives. There are so many options these days for those who are ready to Quit Now or who are even just getting ready to think about quitting. If you know a new dad who also smokes, you might…

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