When it comes to expectations for a healthy long life, men are falling behind women. There are many reasons for this. Many men avoid seeing the doctor unless something is broken, bleeding or seriously wrong. In health promotion we do a better job of reaching women than men but this is a gap we’re trying…
I don’t know about you, but I always have a hard time deciding how to acknowledge Father’s Day properly, both for my husband and my own dad. Neither of them are traditional ‘guy’ guys, so golf clubs and soap-on-a-rope don’t appeal. But in another way they both fit into a male stereotype that might have…
BC Alliance for Healthy Living and WoW want to better understand the current policy landscape on workplace wellness in BC, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Many workplace wellness policies and programs are designed with the urban, office worker in mind; and the best practices and policies developed reflect that population. We know that there…
British Columbia is developing a new transportation plan. This plan will affect the transportation choices available to British Columbians and the shape of our communities, towns and cities for generations to come. Time is running out to weigh in on the plan. Find out more and then take action now! What’s at stake? We are…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 9, 2014 (Vancouver) – The BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) has launched a three-year $2.3 million initiative to take workplace wellness lessons from BC and share them with our neighbours to the north. The Working on Wellness in Strategic Populations or WoW initiative is made possible through financial support from…
But what do we want to be when we grow up? That was the question as BCAHL sat down last week to consult with colleagues and partners at our consultation, “On the Path to Better Health”. It’s great to look back on what we’ve achieved and see some of the gains BC has made in…
Future projections for chronic disease underscore the need to continue on this path and make prevention a priority. In the next ten years the number of new cancer cases in BC is expected to increase by 75%. Looking forward, we see that to continue tackling chronic disease and promoting healthy living for all, it will…
Thank you to all those who attended our June Webinar: Workplace Wellness Works! Celebrating a Healthy Worksite. The BC Alliance for Healthy Living hosted a province-wide forum on healthy workplaces. Speakers shared their experience working with BC workplaces to improve health. The presentations included tips and tools available to make our workplaces better and healthier…
Transportation has a direct impact on one’s ability to access health promoting services including essential amenities such as grocery stores, schools, recreation facilities, health care and employment. Public transportation is a basic amenity that provides multiple benefits for all but is particularly necessary for those who don’t own or aren’t able to drive their own…
Our children spend an average of 30 – 50 hours per week in school. Schools are a central community hub in the lives of children and should be places that encourage and support healthy behaviours. Teaching and supporting healthful habits like healthy eating, physical activity, social and emotional wellness are all important in the early…
It is clear that a child’s early experiences and development establish a foundation that will impact school readiness, educational achievement and high school completion which ultimately contribute to employment, income security and health. Early Childhood Development and Care is an excellent investment for government. Evidence shows early childhood development and early education “can play a…
Disadvantaged British Columbians have increased susceptibility to a broad range of chronic conditions and are more likely to be living with chronic illness. For example, the rate of diabetes among those with low incomes is double those with high incomes and for heart disease it is almost double. [i], [ii], [iii] The evidence confirms that…
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