
Learn more about BCAHL and healthy living through our blogs, press releases, podcasts episodes, and webinars.

  • Transportation in BC: Take Action Now

    British Columbia is developing a new transportation plan. This plan will affect the transportation choices available to British Columbians and the shape of our communities, towns and cities for generations to come. Time is running out to weigh in on the plan. Find out more and then take action now! What’s at stake? We are…

  • Why I Vote

    After yet another politically motivated robo-call interrupted dinner last week, my inquisitive and engaged 11 year old asked me a question that I gave a quick response to, but it’s had me thinking ever since. She asked me why I vote. My answer was that city government provides services and supports that are important to…

  • Nourishing Resilience – Youth in Care Need More

    I come from a family where food is a medium for expressing love. Dinner isn’t just a meal, it’s our chance to reconnect and talk about the day. Special occasions are always marked with special meals with everyone together in the kitchen and around the table. We have our traditional Greek and seasonal favourites and…

  • BC Alliance for Healthy Living Submission to the 2015 Budget Consultation

    The BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) is pleased to make our submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services again this year. We kindly ask members of this committee to consider a range of proposals that have the ability to reduce chronic disease by addressing risk factors common to numerous chronic…

  • Working Together for Healthier Communities

    When it comes to building healthier communities, we believe it’s important to have people from different sectors involved. That is because partners from different sectors have different expertise and resources to contribute. Collaboration can make all the difference because it draws from the strengths of, and can mobilize the assets of, diverse contributors. To put…

  • ‘Running’ Errands Can Lead to Better Health

    Sunday was one of those beautiful fall days, sunny and clear. No reason not to go for a walk, so my daughter and I wandered around the neighbourhood and ended up at the grocery store. We’re lucky that we have walkable amenities nearby. Apparently other people in our neighbourhood feel the same way as we…

  • Poverty = Ill Health – A Closer Look at a Losing Equation

    Dr. Gary Bloch is coming to BC on September 23rd with a prescription for health – “increase income for those living in poverty”. Dr. Bloch is a family physician from Toronto who has been sounding the message loud and clear – his low income patients are disproportionately affected by chronic disease. Dr. Bloch is bringing…

  • Tips and Recipes for Quantity Cooking: Nourishing Minds and Bodies

    Tips and Recipes for Quantity Cooking: Nourishing Minds and Bodies has been created to assist people who prepare food for sale to students – such as food services staff, chef instructors, caterers, school teams, students, Parent Advisory Councils and others. It includes tips on how to choose healthy recipes, substitutions to make favourite recipes healthier…

  • Bake Better Bites: Recipes and Tips for Healthier Baked Goods

    BakeBetterBites2014 is for parents, community volunteers, school staff, and students to use when preparing baked goods for sale to students. It includes recipes that meet the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools, as well as tips to make favourite recipes healthier. For more information, success stories and resources visit the Healthy Eating…

  • ‘Monkey see, monkey do’

    My Vancouver-raised kids are protected from the sights and smells of smoking by the strength of BC’s tobacco regulations. Because of this, they are confused and somewhat assertive, when they see smoking. Their response is both heart-warming and occasionally embarrassing. “That man shouldn’t be doing that,” says my ten year old. “I’m going to go…

  • What’s Your Profile?

    Vancouver has just made the most livable city list…again!  But when it comes to livability within BC – Vancouver has some pretty good company.  Just before we moved our family to Gibsons (on the beautiful Sunshine Coast), my husband and I high fived as we read that it had been rated as the world’s most…

  • Summer Fun With A Few Rough Edges

    This is not BCAHL’s first blog touting the benefits of more play, especially out in nature. A little danger, a little dirt means a lot more fun for kids and adults. It’s hard as a parent to stand back and let our children go too fast and fall off their bikes, or climb higher up…

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