
Learn more about BCAHL and healthy living through our blogs, press releases, podcasts episodes, and webinars.

  • Extreme Marketing has Teens Drinking Over a Kilo in Sugar per Month!

    Recently, my son asked me to buy him a sports drink after baseball practice with a sideways glance to see if I would bite. He followed with a flurried explanation about being sweaty after running around and some mumbling about electrolytes and his muscles. He whined and pleaded after my predictable answer that ‘water is…

  • Men’s Health – Is More Than Growing a ‘Mo!

    I don’t know about you, but I always have a hard time deciding how to acknowledge Father’s Day properly, both for my husband and my own dad. Neither of them are traditional ‘guy’ guys, so golf clubs and soap-on-a-rope don’t appeal. But in another way they both fit into a male stereotype that might have…

  • Let's Play!

    Disconnecting Brings Greater Family Connection

    We realized we might just have a tech addict on our hands when we found our five-year old moaning: “tablet, tablet, TAAAAAABLET!” regularly on those lazy weekend mornings, as we tried to pull him off his game to get ready for the day. On a sunny weekend like the last one, it’s easy to go…

  • Transportation Referendum & Healthy Living Fact Sheet

    How can active transportation (transit, cycling, walking) promote healthy living? Active transportation reduces risk for chronic disease. Physical inactivity and air pollution are risk factors for chronic diseases – such as diabetes, cancer and heart and lung diseases. Active transportation promotes physical activity. A person who uses transit is estimated to walk between 1 –…

  • We're Number 1!

    BC Gets Top Marks in Report Card on Health

    Have you ever seen a kid do an insanely over-the-top victory lap after making a goal or winning a game? Well British Columbia, now it’s your turn. You can stand-up, high-five and yell “we’re number ONE!” because we just got the top health score in Canada. According to a recent Conference Board of Canada Report…

  • ‘The Transportation Referendum and Your Health’ Webinar Summary

    There is a huge body of evidence that shows that community design and transportation systems greatly impact our ability to be healthy, which is why at BCAHL we are big supporters of active transportation and healthier built environments. On January 28th BCAHL hosted a webinar: ‘The Transportation Referendum and Your Health’. The outcome of that…

  • Why Vote Yes? Because I Live, I Transit, I Walk and I Drive in Metro Vancouver

    Everyday we’re bombarded with choices – to eat that chocolate or the apple, to head out and walk the dog despite the weather or wait until it stops, to wear sensible shoes or that pair of high heels, to take transit or the car. Some choices help us to be healthier – they make it…

  • The Transportation Referendum and Your Health

    On Wednesday, January 28th from 9 am to 10:30 am, BC Heathy Living Alliance will host a webinar to discuss the health implications of the proposed transportation improvements and what’s at stake in the spring plebiscite. Transportation systems and planning have an enormous impact on air quality, citizens’ travel choices, safety, social connectivity and health.…

  • Policies to Support Health Promotion in the Workplace – What’s There and What’s Needed

    BC Alliance for Healthy Living and WoW want to better understand the current policy landscape on workplace wellness in BC, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Many workplace wellness policies and programs are designed with the urban, office worker in mind; and the best practices and policies developed reflect that population. We know that there…

  • ‘BC ON THE MOVE’ in a Healthier Direction

    Submission to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure CONSIDERING HEALTH IN THE PROVINCE’S TEN-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PLAN The BC Alliance for Healthy Living appreciates the opportunity to provide input into provincial planning that will determine the direction of transportation investments and policy over the next ten years. As well as being fundamental to our economy, transportation…

  • www.pedbikeimages.org / Laura Sandt

    Yes, yes and yes! …to the question, referendum and a healthier region!

    There’s a storm front moving into the lower mainland on December 11th,   a media storm that is, because that’s the date when the Mayors’ Council will present ‘the question’ for the upcoming transportation referendum that has to be approved by the Provincial government. Over here at BCAHL, we’re hoping for a yes to the question…

  • BC on the Move – in a healthier direction

    As the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) develops its ten-year transportation plan, ’BC on the Move,’ health and community groups have outlined how the plan can move BC in a healthier direction. Walk, Bike and Roll – the plan should: Commit to a comprehensive ‘Active Transportation Strategy’ for people to walk, bike or roll,…

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