What We Do

Resource Development and Promotion

BCAHL works with partners to develop and promote resources to support healthy living initiatives across the province.


Part of our work at the Alliance includes developing resources with our members and partners. We develop and produce resources, toolkits, and reports based on research and promising practices to encourage healthy living.

We believe that in order to support community members on their healthy living journey, we must first support our local governments, community organizations and non-profits with resources so they, in turn, can create healthy living communities.

Highlights of Our Work

To ensure our materials address local needs, we work closely with our members and community organizations.


Our resources and toolkits are developed in collaboration with our members and partners.


Our network gives us a platform to share and promote our partners’ and other organizations’ work and resources to advance healthy living.

Addressing barriers

The resources we develop and promote aim to address barriers to healthy living in various communities throughout British Columbia.

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This is a highlight heading

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellque ornare sem lacinia quam lorem ipsum dolor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus lorem ipsom dolor.

This is a highlight heading

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellque ornare sem lacinia quam lorem ipsum dolor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus lorem ipsom dolor.

Past Projects

Communities Going Active

This toolkit summarizes the evidence and provides real-life examples of ways to address barriers preventing people from using active transportation. Interventions include providing social support, coaching, education, friendly competition, events and providing access through equipment libraries and share programs.

Download the toolkit

Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport

The Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport project was intended to improve our understanding of how to increase active transportation and realize its health benefits in small communities.

Download the toolkit

Heat and Smoke Safety Guide

This toolkit is designed for coaches, recreation leader or educator to support them in developing safety responses during extreme weather while encouraging physical activity.

Download the toolkit

Communities on the Move

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Learn More


Our webinars feature health experts who discuss research and best practices for creating a healthier province.

Contact Us

Questions about our policy recommendations, resources, initiatives, and activities? Reach out to us.

Contact Us