Policy Advancement
We advance and promote policies that support and provide British Columbians with opportunities to be healthier.
Everybody deserves a chance to be healthy. BCAHL works to advance and support health-promoting policies, environments, programs and services so that British Columbians have more opportunities to be healthier.
BCAHL’s policy agenda centers on efforts that address the common risk factors of chronic disease and underlying determinants that contribute significantly to cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and type 2 diabetes.

Highlights of Our Work
Our work in policy advancement includes reports, polling, policy briefs, and case studies.

Policy recommendations
BCAHL regularly produces submissions and presentations to provincial engagement processes, committees and decision-makers.

Government relations
Through government relations, BCAHL advances healthy public policy; we work with the government on our shared priorities and hold them accountable to promote wellness and prevent chronic disease.

Our recommendations and initiatives are all developed in partnership with our members and communities throughout BC.

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This is a highlight heading
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellque ornare sem lacinia quam lorem ipsum dolor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus lorem ipsom dolor.

This is a highlight heading
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellque ornare sem lacinia quam lorem ipsum dolor. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus lorem ipsom dolor.
Foundational Documents
BCAHL has three evidence-based papers that inform our policy work.
On the Path to Better Health (2014)
Examines BC trends in chronic disease over the past decade and outlines future opportunities for prevention.
Download PDFLeading BC Towards a Healthy Future (2010)
Provides an overview of the lessons learned by BCAHL delivering fifteen healthy living initiatives which impacted 233 communities across BC.
Download PDFHealthy Futures for BC Families (2009)
Highlights policy options that address the underlying social determinants of health (early childhood development, education, housing, supportive environments, income and food security) and health inequities.
Download PDFRelated Policy Recommendations
Learn more about our work by checking out more of our policy recommendations below.
BCAHL BlogEngageHealthy LivingPolicyResources & Toolkits
Healthy and Resilient BC: A Voter’s Guide
BCAHL BlogEngagePolicyReportsUncategorizedWhat We Do
A Healthier Recovery for BC
PolicyResources & ToolkitsWhat We Do
Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport
Contact Us
Questions about our policy recommendations, resources, initiatives, and activities? Reach out to us.
Contact Us