Healthy Living Projects
Our work includes developing projects that make healthy living opportunities accessible throughout BC.
Programs that ensure healthy living opportunities are
accessible for people are a big part of BCAHL’s work, which means much of what
we do is focused on promoting and guiding policies, practices and programs that
improve the health and well-being of British Columbians.
Our healthy living projects include grant programs, program
development, as well as letter-writing and social media campaigns, all to
encourage the creation of healthy living opportunities.

Our Projects
Active Play Club
Learn MoreActive Play Club promotes unstructured active play for elementary school students.
Active Communities Grant Program
Learn MoreThis grant program provided communities the resources to create accessible, inclusive, and supportive physical activity opportunities for more people.
Physical Activity and Extreme Weather
Learn MoreThe resources in this page are designed to support coaches, recreation leaders and staff to keep their athletes and participants safe and healthy.
Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport
Learn MoreActive transportation happens when people use their own power to get from one place to another, and can include walking, biking, skateboarding, using a non-mechanized wheelchair, or snowshoeing.
Communities Going Active
Learn MoreThis toolkit is geared towards recreation leaders, community organizations and local governments to help address individual barriers to active transportation.
Active People, Active Places
Learn MoreOne of BCAHL’s key activities is supporting the BC Physical Activity Strategy: Active People, Active Places.
Physical Activity for Health Collaborative
Learn MoreThe Physical Activity for Health Collaborative advances health and physical activity throughout BC.
Communities on the Move
Learn MoreCommunities on the Move was a declaration encouraging provincial investment in active and public transportation.
Contact Us
Questions about our policy recommendations, resources, initiatives, and activities? Reach out to us.
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