

  • Communities Going Active: Addressing Barriers to Active Transportation

    Active transportation has many benefits: it can reduce traffic congestion, lower greenhouse gasemissions, and encourage communities to be physically active, which in turnhelps prevent chronic diseases and fosters mental wellness. We are fortunate to live in a beautiful province with many natural trails and built environments that fosteractive transportation in our communities. However, many people…

  • Alcohol & Safety: A Conversation on Community Policies

    Join Vancouver Coastal Health and the BC Alliance for Healthy Living on Thursday November 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. PST as we talk about alcohol consumption and what we can do to keep our communities healthy amid more relaxed alcohol policies. In 2021, close to one in five Canadians reported consuming five or…

  • Physical Activity & Air Pollution: Webinar

    Our summers are getting hotter and smokier, with wildfire seasons starting earlier and burning for longer. As we continue to feel the effects of climate change, we can expect that hot and smoky conditions will only continue and become more frequent from here on out. So, what do we do when that affects the way…

  • Alcohol warning labels: Webinar recording

    In 2021, close to one in five Canadians (18%) reported consuming five or more drinks on days they consumed alcohol, according to Statistics Canada. During the pandemic, BC reported a 22% increase in alcohol consumption. While drinks during dinner at home, social gatherings and celebrations are common for most adults in BC, the prevalence and…

  • Alcohol warning labels: Webinar

    In 2021, close to one in five Canadians (18%) reported consuming five or more drinks on days they consumed alcohol, according to Statistics Canada. During the pandemic, BC reported a 22% increase in alcohol consumption. While drinks during dinner at home, social gatherings and celebrations are common for most adults in BC, the prevalence and…

  • Mobile Produce Markets: A Food Security Solution webinar

    BC Alliance for Healthy Living’s recent research has shown that 93% of British Columbians are not eating the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day. We know that increasing fruit and vegetable intake helps prevent chronic disease, but how do we get to that point? Canadians are facing a high inflation…

  • A good start matters. June 7 at 10am PDT.

    A Good Start Matters

    Physical activity and physical literacy are critical to child development and provide a foundation for a healthy life. Childcare is a key setting to promote physical activity and physical literacy supportive policies, practices, and environments. In 2017, the BC government enacted the Director of Licensing Standard of Practice – Active Play, that required a set…

  • Small Towns Big Steps in Active Transport Workshop

    Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport: Workshop

    This workshop features presentations from leading communities that have successfully navigated challenges unique to smaller communities. Some of these challenges include: Creating a walkable downtown despite the main street acting as a highway Building projects across jurisdictional boundaries Navigating grants and funding for active transportation projects Participants engaged in a discussion about overcoming barriers and…

  • Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport: Webinar

    In every corner of the province, there is a growing interest in developing more active transportation networks. Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport is a project to explore what works in smaller towns through in-depth research and case studies featuring 6 unique BC communities. Watch BCAHL’s webinar where we highlight major project findings, including:…

  • Ready, Set, Move! EverybodyMoves Webinar

    We are excited to announce that BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) and the Physical Activity for Health Collaborative have launched the much anticipated EverybodyMoves Resource Hub! The Hub is a one-stop shop for sport and recreation leaders who want to ensure physical activity is as inclusive and accessible as possible.  Physical activity is vital for…

  • Keeping Active and Getting Back to Play through COVID-19

    On June 3rd, 2020 the BC Alliance for Healthy Living hosted a webinar on the importance of keeping active during COVID-19, focusing not only on the “why” but also the “how.”

  • Don’t Let Them Down: Understanding Youth Vaping and What We Can Do About It

    On April 23, 2020, the BC Alliance for Healthy Living hosted an engaging webinar on youth vaping. This webinar featured three leaders from organizations doing important work on understanding youth vaping and what we can do about it. In a study that made headlines across Canada last year, public Health researcher, Dr. David Hammond found…

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