
What We Do

  • Housing Security Policies

    Housing is one of the most basic requirements for health. When people spend excessive amounts of income on housing, fewer resources are available for other health essentials. Studies suggest affordable housing improves health outcomes by freeing up resources for nutritious food and other essentials, reducing stress and providing the stability for patients with chronic diseases…

  • Healthy Eating and Food Security Policies

    Affordable, healthy, local and culturally acceptable food makes a difference to our individual health, the resilience of our community and the integrity of our environment. Evidence shows vegetables and fruit have a protective effect against the development of chronic disease and that even a one-serving-per-day increase is linked to a 20% reduction in all causes…

  • BCAHL Policies – Health Inequities

    The social determinants of health include the basic financial resources and supportive environments necessary for a healthy life. Access to income, affordable housing, healthy food, education, early childhood development, and recreational opportunities influence our ability to make healthy choices and ultimately the state of our physical and mental health as well as life expectancy. Health…

  • Income Security Policies

    Sufficient income allows access to adequate housing, nutritious foods, safe communities and participation in recreational, educational and cultural opportunities as well as other essentials for a healthy life. Inadequate income limits the security of these basic living conditions for individuals and families and that can create tremendous stress which also contributes to ill health. It…

  • BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda

    BCAHL recently completed a policy review and put together a collection of recommendations for improving the health and wellness of families across British Columbia. We have outlined four components that together comprise BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda, they include: Creating connected, vibrant communities; Making it easier for families to be healthy; Empowering people; Making it work,…

  • Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation, A Policy Paper of the BC Alliance for Healthy Living

    In BCAHL’s latest report, ‘Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation’, a number of health promotion measures to address the underlying risk factors of chronic disease have been highlighted as priorities for the year ahead. Many of the recommendations have been drawn from BCAHL’s earlier papers and submissions which provide a more comprehensive list…

  • BC Alliance for Healthy Living Lists Top ‘Disease Prevention’ Policies

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Today the BC Alliance for Healthy Living is releasing a new report: ‘Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation‘, which lists BCAHL’s top policy priorities for chronic disease prevention in 2011. The report highlights opportunities for the provincial government to encourage healthy living and prevent chronic disease by working with, and…

  • Recommendations for Tackling Obesity in BC

    The healthy choice should be an easy choice. That is why the BC Alliance for Healthy Living advocates for and supports health-promoting policies, environments, programs and services so that British Columbians have opportunities to be healthy. As part of this work BCAHL has submitted BCAHL Submission on Obesity to the BC Government, which offers recommendations to…

  • BCAHL Policy

    Everybody deserves a chance to be healthy. BCAHL works to advance and support health-promoting policies, environments, programs and services so that British Columbians have more opportunities to be healthier. BCAHL’s policy agenda centers on efforts that address the common risk factors of chronic disease and underlying determinants that contribute significantly to cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic…

  • BCAHL’s Winning Legacy: A Plan for Improving the Health of British Columbians

    BCAHL’s Winning Legacy: A Plan for Improving the Health of British Columbians

  • Join Us: Regional and Provincial Organizations

    Organizations in BC who are working to promote wellness and prevent chronic disease can join the BC Alliance for Healthy Living by endorsing our mission and goals and submitting an application. Benefits of Network Participation: Share information through the website and newsletter Provide input to the Coordinating Committee by reviewing draft documents and participating on…

Contact Us

Questions about our policy recommendations, resources, initiatives, and activities? Reach out to us.

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