
Tobacco Reduction

  • Breathing Easy? Some Vancouver Condo Owners are… now

    I have to say that I was applauding last week’s vote by Melville condo owners to go smoke free. I remember cleaning out the apartment of my chain-smoking grandfather after he passed away. Brown ooze ran down the walls as we washed them, a solid reminder of the nicotine and assorted chemicals that had filled…

  • Healthy Father’s Day!

    BC has a healthy population overall, we are number one for smoking rates, physical activity and are near the top for healthy eating. But in BC, women benefit more from these healthy living statistics than men in the province; we live on average 4-5 years longer than men. With Father’s Day coming up this weekend,…

  • World No Tobacco Day – Time to Get Tobacco Out of Pharmacies, Apartments, Movies and… the Country?

    Imagine a totally smoke-free country – sound like a dream, a public health fantasy? …well, it could be something we’ll see in our lifetime. In Finland, they’ve given notice to the public and to the tobacco companies – by 2040, they will be the first country in the world that is completely tobacco free. In…

  • Envision a Smoke Free Lifestyle

    We all know the health benefits of quitting smoking or not starting, but the My Smoke Free Lifestyle Contest has made people think about the social and economic benefits as well. Whether it’s for yourself, your friend or children, whatever your reason – it’s always a good time to go smoke-free. Quitters Unite did the…

  • Premiers Urged to Tackle Largest Drivers of Healthcare Costs

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Vancouver, BC, January 11, 2012 – Today in an open letter, members of the BC Alliance for Healthy Living encouraged Provincial and Territorial leaders gathering in Victoria to commit to action on the prevention of non-communicable diseases, which are the largest drivers of health care costs and often avoidable causes of premature…

  • Love your Bones!

    November is a time to remember many special loved ones who have fought the good fight on many fronts. As it is also Osteoporosis Month in Canada, I am reminded about many family members and friends who gallantly lived or are living with this most debilitating and threatening disease. So to honour them and share…

  • BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda

    BCAHL recently completed a policy review and put together a collection of recommendations for improving the health and wellness of families across British Columbia. We have outlined four components that together comprise BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda, they include: Creating connected, vibrant communities; Making it easier for families to be healthy; Empowering people; Making it work,…

  • BCAHL’s 2010 Budget Submission

    Soon it will be time for the Provincial Government to consider its budget for the fiscal year beginning in April 2010. As part of the public consultation process, BCAHL prepared and submitted a Brief to the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. Our Brief reiterates some of the recommendations that have been part of…

  • BCAHL Meets Ministers

    During August, BCAHL Chair Bobbe Wood and I had the opportunity to meet with our two new Ministers – the Honourable Ida Chong, Minister of Healthy Living and Sport and the Honourable Mary McNeil, Minister of State for the Olympics and ActNowBC. Scott McDonald, Executive Director of the BC Lung Association joined us for the…

  • Tobacco Reduction Strategy

    Tobacco is addictive, poisonous and kills 16 British Columbians every day. Even so, more than 600,000 people in BC continue to smoke, with young adults showing the highest rates of smoking. Even though 19- to 29-year-olds have become a major marketing target for tobacco companies, there are few programs to support them. This is why…

  • Smoke-Free Housing in Multi-Unit Dwellings Initiative

    British Columbians are protected from second-hand smoke in public places but many are still exposed to unwanted tobacco smoke entering their homes from neighbouring units. The Smoke-Free Housing in Multi-Unit Dwellings Initiative worked with housing providers to create more smoke-free living spaces. The Heart and Stroke Foundation implemented a smoke-free housing pilot project to provide technical support…

  • Community Outreach Initiatives

    When young adults are not working or studying hard, you can be sure they are enjoying their time off. Tobacco reduction, protection and prevention initiatives have to reach places where young adults play and live, and two community outreach initiatives achieve that goal. The Community Detailing Initiative will engage businesses and community organizations where young…

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