
Health Inequities

  • Truth and reconciliation are written on a background of red-orange.

    BCAHL’s statement on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    BC Alliance for Healthy Living stands with Indigenous partners and communities in the journey towards reconciliation. On September 30, we reflect on the efforts that have been made towards reconciliation and let that fuel our work moving forward. As an organization focused on disease prevention and health promotion, we understand that the colonization of Indigenous…

  • The good, the bad, and the way to better: a look at the Provincial Health Officer’s Report

    On January 25th, 2019, Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s provincial health officer (PHO), released the report, Taking the Pulse of the Population: an update on the Health of British Columbians.  

  • #PinkShirtDay2019: a time to reflect on how we treat those living in poverty

    On #PinkShirtDay2019, BCAHL’s Op-Ed piece on Basic Income was published in the Vancouver Sun.  It’s fitting that it was printed on a day dedicated to kindness and awareness around the stigmatization of bullying as those who live in poverty face many levels of stigmatization – from institutional to individual.

  • Health Starts at Home – Food Security and Social Housing

    On December 5th, 2013 BCAHL hosted a webinar on the ways that food security is and can be addressed in social housing. We were so pleased to have three engaging presenters who offered their perspectives on some of the current policy, research and programs on housing and food security. BCAHL believes that good health starts…

  • If Age is Just a Number – Is it Fair to Cut Off Youth-in-Care at 19?

    I just returned from spending Thanksgiving weekend with my large extended family. We span multiple generations from 10 months to 85 years and everything in between. It was interesting talking with my cousins and nieces in their early twenties. Some of them have found good job prospects and interesting careers, while others are still finding…

  • Remedial Lessons Needed to Raise BC’s Failing Grade on Child Poverty

    Last week, First Call’s Annual Child Poverty Report Card gave BC another failing grade. It was discouraging to see that 119,000 of British Columbia’s children  continue to live in poverty.  This is true for children in a variety of family circumstances – with one or two parents, on income assistance and in full time, full…

  • Giving Kids a Chance!

    Last week something rare happened to me at a work-related event – I cried. To be precise, I was moved to tears by the story of a mother struggling to give her kids their best chance despite living in poverty. The event was ‘Place Based Strategies: A Community Dialogue on What Works, which looked at…

  • My Vote is For Healthier Small (and Big) Communities

    If I was to ask you to think about the health of rural communities, what would come to mind? Would it include: hale, hearty and healthy – farmers, fishers, foresters and otherwise pioneer-types chopping wood and working the land or sea? Well, that would fit the stereotype. But the reality today isn’t the quaint portrait…

  • Common sense for a common cause – 6th Annual Homelessness Action Week is Oct 10-16

    Thanksgiving is a very special time for me, as it is for many of us, a time to reflect on the good things in our lives, to connect with family and spend time together. My children look forward more to Thanksgiving than Christmas – all the anticipation and good family time, without the let down…

  • Healthy Schools and Literacy Policies

    Our children spend an average of 30 – 50 hours per week in school. Schools are a central community hub in the lives of children and should be places that encourage and support healthy behaviours. Teaching and supporting healthful habits like healthy eating, physical activity, social and emotional wellness are all important in the early…

  • BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda

    BCAHL recently completed a policy review and put together a collection of recommendations for improving the health and wellness of families across British Columbia. We have outlined four components that together comprise BCAHL’s Healthy Families Agenda, they include: Creating connected, vibrant communities; Making it easier for families to be healthy; Empowering people; Making it work,…

  • 100 years of Progress in Public Health!!

    Last week, from June 13-16, the Canadian Public Health Association celebrated its 100th birthday at their annual conference held, this year, in Toronto. Over 1500 delegates from all over the country and abroad were there to join in the celebrations and hear from a vast array of experts on the achievements of the last century…

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