
Healthy Living

  • Built Environment and Active Transportation Initiative

    The formula is simple. Increased awareness + safe opportunities for walking and cycling = more physically active neighbourhoods. However, rural and smaller communities are often limited in their ability to design pedestrian and cycling-friendly neighbourhoods. This initiative, led by the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Union of BC Municipalities, prepares them to make…

  • Community Based Awareness Initiative

      Communities are critical to realizing the benefits of physical activity. Through this initiative, the BC Recreation and Parks Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation are giving them tools to spread the good news. This will raise awareness and promote local opportunities for physical activity so that people can act on what they have…

  • Walk BC

    What is the easiest, cheapest and quickest way to exercise? Just put one foot in front of the other and repeat! Brisk walking has the greatest potential for increasing the overall activity level of a sedentary population. This initiative is providing supports to encourage people to walk regularly. The BC Recreation and Parks Association and…

  • Sip Smart!

    From sport drinks to pop to fruit “punch”, sugar-sweetened beverages are everywhere. To help kids kick this liquid-sugar habit, the BC Pediatric Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation are launching an elementary school educational program. It includes innovative resource materials and a teacher-friendly learning module. By teaching kids why it is important to drink less…

  • Food Skills for Families

    Cooking healthy food that is tasty and appealing to our families can be confusing and is not always easy. Adding to the challenge is the fact that some families have limited incomes or do not even have basic information about where to start. Drawing on the strengths of two existing programs – Cooking Fun for…

  • Farm to School Salad Bar

    Children consume 30% of their daily calories at school. So an important step is improving access to locally-grown, culturally-appropriate foods in schools. The Public Health Association of BC is piloting a Farm to School Salad Bar initiative in northern BC where access to such foods can be limited. A central focus is to build relationships…

  • Healthy Food and Beverages at School, Work and Play

    Good policy and practice are changing the way schools, recreation facilities and local government buildings approach and present food choices. From 2007-2010 schools received customized support from Dietitians of Canada as they implemented provincial school guidelines for food and beverage sales. The BC Recreation and Parks Association, along with the Union of BC Municipalities, ensured…

  • BCAHL Tobacco Reduction Strategy


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