
Learn more about BCAHL and healthy living through our blogs, press releases, podcasts episodes, and webinars.

  • Sugary drinks: health impacts and equity

    In this episode, we explore the health impacts of sugary drinks, some ways that can help reduce consumption, and how we can make sugary drink taxation equitable. Our guests are Dr. Tom Warshawski, Chair of Childhood Obesity Foundation and a consultant pediatrician based in Kelowna, and Dr. Jim Krieger, a professor at the University of…

  • A good start matters. June 7 at 10am PDT.

    A Good Start Matters

    Physical activity and physical literacy are critical to child development and provide a foundation for a healthy life. Childcare is a key setting to promote physical activity and physical literacy supportive policies, practices, and environments. In 2017, the BC government enacted the Director of Licensing Standard of Practice – Active Play, that required a set…

  • Foods Served in Schools Should Support Learning Instead of Fundraising at the Expense of Children’s Health

    Summary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver, B.C., April 7, 2022 – Nutritious food is key to healthy childhood development and mental wellness, which is why BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL) is encouraging schools, school districts, parents and Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) to support healthy food environments in schools through the proposed 2022 BC School Food…

  • An older adult uses a walking stick with his left hand. He holds his grandson’s hand with his right hand.

    Active Transportation: Equitable, Sustainable and Achievable

    “The climate crisis is also a health crisis.” This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) is focusing on encouraging governments to create communities focused on peoples’ physical well-being while also addressing the health of the planet. With World Health Day and Earth Day just weeks apart, we are reminded of the intersections between climate change…

  • Headshot of Twila Amato, who's wearing a black top, grey blazer, and standing in nature.

    Meet BCAHL’s New Communications Specialist

    We are pleased to introduce BCAHL’s newest staff member Twila Amato, our Communications Specialist. Twila’s combination of experiences in broadcast news and marketing make her a great fit with respect to BCAHL’s work in advancing and promoting healthy living policies and projects. Her degree in history and culture provides her with a holistic view of equity and…

  • Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport: Launch

    BCAHL is excited to announce the launch of the Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport microsite and report. The vision for this project is to improve our understanding of how to increase active transportation and realize its health benefits in small communities. This project came from a strong interest in filling the knowledge gap…

  • Small Towns Big Steps in Active Transport Workshop

    Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport: Workshop

    This workshop features presentations from leading communities that have successfully navigated challenges unique to smaller communities. Some of these challenges include: Creating a walkable downtown despite the main street acting as a highway Building projects across jurisdictional boundaries Navigating grants and funding for active transportation projects Participants engaged in a discussion about overcoming barriers and…

  • Reflections & Accomplishments: 2021

    As we transition to an evolving “new normal,” BCAHL is taking strides to ensure that health and equity are part of this new foundation. Throughout this year, turmoil within economic, social, political and environmental realms have highlighted the need for investments and polices to prioritize health equity. For BCAHL, this year marks the launch of…

  • A Healthier Recovery for BC

    Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. We’ve had to make sacrifices in order to protect our collective health and face hard truths about injustices that exist in our society.  As we plan for a full reopening, many British Columbians expect a recovery plan that will respond to lessons learned…

  • Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport: Webinar

    In every corner of the province, there is a growing interest in developing more active transportation networks. Small Towns, Big Steps in Active Transport is a project to explore what works in smaller towns through in-depth research and case studies featuring 6 unique BC communities. Watch BCAHL’s webinar where we highlight major project findings, including:…

  • Live Webinar: Understanding Youth Vaping and What We Can Do About It

    Today we are bringing you a blast from the past! In this episode we are featuring a live webinar from 2020 focused on youth vaping during COVID-19 and what experts have to say about the concerning research.

  • A Healthy Recovery: Submission to the 2022 Budget Consultation by BCAHL

    Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. Many British Columbians expect action to further support recovery and respond to what has been learned from our COVID-19 experience. In this context, the coming budget will be important for prioritizing investment in a healthy recovery that puts us in a stronger position…

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