Sample Letter to the Minister of Transportation


The Honourable Claire Trevena, M.L.A,
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Room 306, Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

Dear Minister,

As the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure develops its ten-year transportation plan, ‘BC on the Move,’ I would like to emphasize the importance of developing a plan that can move BC in a healthier direction.

Specifically, the plan should:

Make it easier for British Columbians to walk, bike or roll where they need to go.

  • Commit to a comprehensive ‘Active Transportation Strategy’ for people to walk, bike or roll, aligning policy and funding to support the development of local infrastructure within a larger provincial network.
  • BC should be investing between $88M and $175M in active transportation per year over the next ten years to meet the needs of British Columbians and to catch up with other leading jurisdictions. This should include investments in ‘universal design’ walking and rolling facilities, triple ‘A’ (all ages and abilities) cycling facilities and support for Active School Travel Planning.

Make transit a more convenient choice for more British Columbians.

  • Provide funding and policy support for the BC Transit Strategic Plan 2030 and TransLink’s Regional Transportation Strategy (2013).
  • Address the needs of small towns and rural communities by providing funding and policy support for innovative approaches to public transit within communities and between regional centres.

Ensure that provincial roads and highways work for all users.

  • Include an ongoing program with funding for auditing, planning and upgrading cycling and walking facilities on provincial roads and bridges.
  • Develop an Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) program for heavy-duty vehicles to reduce emissions.

I would appreciate a response that outlines how the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will invest to support the transportation needs of transit users, pedestrians, cyclists and those in wheelchairs in ‘BC on the Move’

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Yours truly,


(Your Name)

BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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