Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation, A Policy Paper of the BC Alliance for Healthy Living

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In BCAHL’s latest report, ‘Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation’, a number of health promotion measures to address the underlying risk factors of chronic disease have been highlighted as priorities for the year ahead. Many of the recommendations have been drawn from BCAHL’s earlier papers and submissions which provide a more comprehensive list of policies and interventions based on evidence or promising practices.

This paper includes priorities which should be embarked on immediately by our Premier and Cabinet including:

  • Developing a comprehensive, cross-government action plan to strengthen chronic disease prevention and reduce health inequities;
  • Implementing regulatory measures and policies to increase access to healthy living and encourage better choices while discouraging unhealthy choices; and,
  • Investing in programs that provide supportive environments for healthy living.

You can read the full report here: ‘Healthy Living in BC – The Next Generation’,

BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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