BCAHL Celebrates Targeted Tobacco Taxes to Reduce Use

Smokers in BC took a hit to the pocket book as the BC Government announced the new provincial budget. Along with our colleagues at the Canadian Cancer Society, BCAHL agrees 100% with raising the price of tobacco products in order to deter BC youth from smoking or starting to smoke. When coupled with other tobacco cessation efforts, pricing is one of the most effective ways to reduce youth smoking rates.

Add to the fact that rising prices reduce the number of people smoking and that the BC Government will invest a proportion of the funds collected into cancer prevention. BCAHL has been a longtime advocate of targeting taxes to add funds for health promotion.

If your pocketbook is hurting, then take advantage of some of the great supports available here in BC – nicotine replacement therapy is provided free here and additional support is available on-line and by phone from QuitNow services just to name two great resources. Because, while it may not be easy to quit, the evidence is clear that quitting smoking is one of the very best things that British Columbians can do for their own health.

Samantha Hartley-Folz
Manager, Policy and Program
February 2014

BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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