Announcing BC Childhood Healthy Weights Initiative

Healthy Weights

As part of BC’s Childhood Healthy Weights Intervention Initiative, the provincial government has provided funding to the Childhood Obesity Foundation for the implementation of MEND and the expansion of ShapedownBC.

Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do It! (MEND) is a new program that provides healthy lifestyle learning and activity sessions for children 5-7 and 7-13 who are above a healthy weight.  MEND is hosted by the YMCA and the BC Recreation and Parks Association.  The program offers sessions that incorporate a mix of interactive family activities, practical demonstrations, games, tips about healthy foods, label reading, portion sizes, and tools for adopting an overall healthier lifestyle.

ShapedownBC, previously offered only at BC Children’s Hospital, has expanded to include Fraser Health, Island Health, Northern Health, and Interior Health authorities. ShapedownBC is a multidisciplinary behavioural weight management program that provides medical, nutritional and psychological assessment, and individual and group intervention to support healthy eating and active living for obese and overweight children, teens, and their families.

Learn how to make healthier lifestyle choices for your family today!  Check out for information about eligibility or to register.


BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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