A Healthier Recovery for BC

Living through this pandemic has been incredibly trying for all of us. We’ve had to make sacrifices in order to protect our collective health and face hard truths about injustices that exist in our society. 

As we plan for a full reopening, many British Columbians expect a recovery plan that will respond to lessons learned from our COVID-19 experience. 

For the BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL), this pandemic experience underscores the importance of disease prevention. Never in our lifetimes have we more clearly witnessed how good public health practice and policy can save lives.

In June 2021, we surveyed British Columbians to understand how the pandemic has impacted their health and well-being. We also asked what policy measures they support to address some of the current challenges our society is facing.

Not surprisingly, we saw there were both positive and negative impacts. However, more negative impacts were experienced by people with low incomes, young adults, families and those from racialized communities. 

View the full report A Healthier Recovery for BC to review all of the survey data and policy supports.

For a summary of the policy supports, view the infographic.

BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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