What We Do

Active Communities Grant Program

This grant program provided communities the resources to create accessible, inclusive, and supportive physical activity opportunities for more people.

Physical activity is important at every age, and it has been recognized as one of the most effective ways to decrease the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type-2 diabetes, and several types of cancers. Physical activity can also support positive mental health and well-being as it helps with stress management and fosters social connectedness.

Most of us know that being physically active is important to keep ourselves healthy and to move our bodies regularly, but for some it can be difficult to access affordable and inclusive physical activity opportunities.

In 2023, the Ministry of Health provided $1.5 million in funding to launch the Active Communities Grant Program a second time, once again in partnership with BC Alliance for Healthy Living (BCAHL).

This funding gave the Alliance the opportunity to work with communities to provide them with the resources to make physical activity possible for more people by responding to what local communities need so they can provide accessible, inclusive and supportive physical activity opportunities.

This round of funding from the province built on the successes of the first Active Communities Initiative, which provided resources to Indigenous and local governments to create or expand accessible physical activity opportunities.

Launched in 2017 and with support from the BC Physical Activity Strategy, the first iteration of this program created 737 physical activity opportunities for over 41,238 participants across the province. Projects funded by this initiative increased the accessibility of 154 physical activity programs, 61 facilities, and 87 physical activity events by reducing financial and transportation barriers, installing equipment in central, easily accessible locations, or modifying the built environment to provide easy physical access.

This new funding allowed BCAHL to continue working on improving access to physical activity opportunities and environments for more people in British Columbia, particularly equity-deserving groups including Indigenous communities, newcomers, low-income residents, people with disabilities, and LGBTQI2S communities.

The Active Communities Grant Program funded programs led by Indigenous and local governments, with the goal of providing communities with the resources they needed to support physical activity. Some of the funded projects tackled access to safe and high-quality gym equipment, while others approached physical activity from a holistic perspective, marrying traditional learning and activities with health.

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