Sufficient income allows access to adequate housing, nutritious foods, safe communities and participation in recreational, educational and cultural opportunities as well as other essentials for a healthy life.
Inadequate income limits the security of these basic living conditions for individuals and families, creating tremendous stress which also contributes to ill health. We know that people living in poverty often have a heightened risk for chronic disease due to social and economic factors such as employment, income, education, and discrimination, but also includes access to, and use of, health services. Deprivation in the early years takes a substantial toll on the health of children and can establish a negative trajectory for life-long health outcomes.
BCAHL has long advocated for stronger income security measures because of the evidence connecting income and health.
British Columbians employed full-time should earn enough to afford healthy basic needs including decent housing, healthy food, household amenities, childcare, clothing, transportation and recreation. BC can build a stronger system of support for families, seniors and disadvantaged groups by ensuring that income assistance rates are based on and keep pace with the actual cost of living.
Population health data shows that as socio-economic status improves, so too do physical and mental health outcomes. Investment in poverty reduction is an investment in health promotion, disease prevention and an opportunity to control the growth of healthcare costs.
BCAHL recommends the following policy options:
- The Provincial Government ensure sufficient resourcing for TogetherBC, the provincial poverty reduction strategy.
- Regular, predictable raises in the minimum wage so that works provides a path out of poverty.
- Income assistance rates should adequately support those who. are experiencing financial emergencies or face barriers to income through long-term unemployment
- Follow recommendations of the ‘Expert Panel on Basic Income’ and increase Income and Disability Assistance benefits to the poverty line as determined by current Market Basket Measure thresholds in the short term.
- Increase earning exemptions so that Income and Disability Assistance recipients can gain the benefits of employment and work experience with transitional support.
- The Provincial Government consider using GST credits, climate action tax credits and child benefits as targeted measures to lift people out of poverty.
- Ensure that the Canada Child Benefit is delivered in addition to income assistance and that for low-income families, other benefits are not reduced to off-set this increase.
- Structure marginal tax rates and benefits so that low-wage earners are not penalized for working rather than relying on income assistance.
- Adjust the Income Assistance shelter rates so they are based on reasonable market rental costs.
- Respond to the recommendations put forward by the First Nations Leadership Council in ‘Income Supports and Indigenous People in B.C.: An Analysis of Gaps of Barriers’.
- Providing funding for more low-cost physical activity programming. Subsidize sport and organized physical activity programs for low-income families.