The Transportation Referendum and Your Health

On Wednesday, January 28th from 9 am to 10:30 am, BC Heathy Living Alliance will host a webinar to discuss the health implications of the proposed transportation improvements and what’s at stake in the spring plebiscite.

Transportation systems and planning have an enormous impact on air quality, citizens’ travel choices, safety, social connectivity and health.

The proposed transportation investments will see significant improvements in transit capacity and frequency across the region as well as added bike routes, road improvements and a new bridge to replace the Pattullo.

But between here and there – is a referendum in which the public will be swayed against the congestion improvement tax despite its health benefits.

Please join the BC Alliance for Healthy Living and our special guests to hear all the reasons why we should be working towards a YES vote.

Click here to Register.


Dr. Patricia Daly is the Chief Medical Health Officer and the Vice President, Public Health for Vancouver Coastal Health. She is also a Clinical Professor in the School of Population and Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.

As Chief Medical Health Officer, her primary mandate is to improve the health of the population served by Vancouver Coastal Health through population health approaches and public health initiatives.

Bob Paddon is the Executive Vice-President, Strategic Planning and Stakeholder Relations at TransLink. Bob joined Translink in 2001 from Metro Vancouver, bringing expertise in local government, communications, media relations and business administration. He was also part of the Metro Vancouver team that created TransLink, leading the public engagement process. Bob led staff efforts that culminated in TransLink receiving the region’s portion of federal gas taxes and moved the organization to adopt new communication technology as part of its customer services and marketing endeavours.

In his current position Bob has responsibility for government and community engagement, transportation planning policy and programs, which includes transit, rapid transit, roads and transportation demand management as well as associated land use issues as they relate to the Metro Vancouver region’s Strategic Plan.

He is a member of CUTA (Canadian Urban Transit Association) Executive Committee as past Chair and the Chair of the Strategic Management Committee of TRB (Transportation Research Board).

Peter Ladner is a board member of the Better Transit and Transportation Coalition, campaigning for a yes vote in the spring 2015 Metro Vancouver plebiscite asking for a 0.5% sales tax increase.

Ladner is a former Vancouver City Councillor, Metro Vancouver Vice Chair and TransLink board member.  He is a co-founder of Business in Vancouver Media Group, where he writes a weekly column.

Peter Ladner is on the board of the David Suzuki Foundation.  He is a driver, car share user, transit user, commuter cyclist and pedestrian.

Note: photo credit Arnold C (User:Buchanan-Hermit)

BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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