Transportation in BC: Take Action Now

British Columbia is developing a new transportation plan.

This plan will affect the transportation choices available to British Columbians and the shape of our communities, towns and cities for generations to come.

Time is running out to weigh in on the plan.

Find out more and then take action now!

What’s at stake?

We are asking the government to bring forward a plan that puts people first.

A complete transportation plan is one that is designed for all ages, abilities, and modes of travel. It should be safe and comfortable for people walking, cycling, riding transit or using wheelchairs. This should not be an afterthought, but an integral feature to the plan and of all the roads and bridges in BC.

Complete transportation planning offers wide-ranging benefits. Putting people first means creating a transportation system that:

PeopleProvides safe and healthy mobility options for people as well as goods.
Cost_EffectiveIs cost-effective and fosters economic growth.
CommunityStrenghtens communities
EnvironmentProtects the natural environment

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BC Alliance for Healthy Living
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